How To Order Soundview Millworks Products — Soundview Millworks

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How To Order Soundview Millworks Products

Let Soundview Millworks Create a Personalized Board For You
We can engrave initials or monograms or text on any board. During the checkout process you will see a "Special Instructions" dialog box before placing your order. Simply type what you want on your board, the style of font, and the size of the text.

For more intricate graphics or designs Soundview Millworks precisely recreates any photo, artwork, logo, image,  using digital recreation and laser engraving technology. The cost may exceed $12.00 depending on the intricacy of the design.

Click here to see our Product Catalog PDF.

Soundview Millworks focuses on easily creating unique, personalized items that make you and your customers look like stars. 

The process is easy. We'll walk you through it.


1.     Pick your board: choose from any of our handcrafted American-made maple and mahogany serving boards.

2.     Pick your handle design: select from any of our over 20 custom handles

3.     Pick your engraving number: choose your engraving from our custom image catalog or send us an email of your own image.

Please review the image below for clarification.


We never like coloring inside the lines, so why should you? You think of it, we can help you create it. If you’ve seen it, we can use it. Here’s how:

1.     Take a clear photo of the logo or invite or image you want to recreate.

2.     We’ll create and edit the image.

3.     Just like that we put your image or logo on your board.


Engraving is done on a per line or per image basis. It’s a little bit confusing, we know, so there is an image example above. An image is one charge. A line of text under that image is a second charge added. A third line of text above the image would be a third engraving charge. As of 2023 the engraving charge is $12.00.

If you still have questions or want to send us images, feel free to email us at

Please feel free to contact Grant Tankoos by phone at 843-324-5186. 

Thanks for stopping ~ we look forward to working with you!